Wednesday, February 11, 2015


My Thoughts on Religion
                Ever since I was a child my mother would take me to church and being catholic she was extremely religious and wanted to learn that I should attend mass every Sunday, so I was forced to go against my will because at my young age I couldn't think for myself. Now that I've grown and seen almost everything there is to religion I've made up my own opinion about how I see religion and I decided that I want nothing to do with it. My parents and others have often told me that “Everybody has to believe in something” and I do believe in something, that which being science because it provides cold hard facts but also because it doesn't leave me wondering how someone came up with the answer or evidence that it existed. In other words I think most people who are religious don’t know half of the answers to what they’re following or preaching if they were to be asked the origins of their religion.         
            From my experience, people who I've met in and out of church seem like they have split personality disorder; that or they’re just two faced, and in most cases they are. One example of a person who acts so innocent and sweet at church is my mother. She is extremely nice, friendly and greets everyone she recognizes when she arrives. Now allow me to shed some light on this little act of hers when she attends mass. At home my mother often complains to me for any little thing that’s wrong, tries to find any little reason to start arguing and constantly questioning me about everything after I arrive home from maybe being with my dad or with a friend as if I was being interrogated. She attends mass every Sunday and acts as if it purifies her yet her harsh attitude and bad habits don’t change. Church to me seems like a large was of time that I could be using for something else instead of listening to a pastor drone on and read a passage from the bible that even just thinking about makes me want to go to sleep.
            I believe that you don’t need religion to have the same morals as one who worships a religion because I’m sure that I don’t need a religion to tell me the news that it’s illegal to murder another human being or that committing adultery is immoral and wrong. Human beings have ethics and know what they should and shouldn't do (excluding the sociopaths who feel no remorse for the life of human beings). The reason I am so opposed to religion roots from when my mother always forced me to attend mass every Sunday and as I grew older I also came to dread it and I never paid attention to the pastor said no matter hard I tried I couldn't bring myself to pay attention to anything said in church, only the announcements right before mass was over which was how I could always tell it was almost over. I knew that once I was unable to stand being at mass that it was not the thing for me.
My mother also tried to make me believe that if I didn't pray or attend mass that I would go to hell once I passed from this world which is probably the thing I never believed the most because how could anyone know if heaven or hell really exists? It’s not like anyone has been through hell and back that’s just a figure of speech and nothing more. These are a few of my favorite quotes from one of the smartest minds of our time that reinforce my opinion on this and its none other than Stephen Hawking and here are his specific words "I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail.” In that quote talks about the brain stopping inevitably just like a computer when its components degrade and fail when the time comes for its end. “There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.” There is a large amount of truth and evidence behind this statement because no one likes to think about what happens in the afterlife. Mexican people have Dia De Los Muertos their deceased people, we in the United States show up to our family member’s or friend’s graves and leave flowers, balloons or even food in some cases if people feel like really paying their respects and In some parts of African they perform something that has to do with the religion of voodoo and remove the preserved corpse out of the ground, have the body stand there, dress it different and perform a few rituals then place the body back in its tomb. People don’t want to admit it but they’re afraid of believing that nothing will happen when they die and the world will move on without them. It comforts people knowing that they will go somewhere special or will always be remembered by their loved ones and live on in their hearts.
To put it nicely about religion I believe that a person doesn't have to believe in anything as long as they have their heart in the right place and were raised in a home where they were always taught to do the right thing as a young child. I think that religion is time consuming, pointless at times and that people twist the words of the bible to make it convenient for them because could you imagine if we followed every single thing the bible said? If we were to actually follow all of the rules every church would act like the Westboro Baptist church who actively shame same sex marriage, picket soldier’s funerals saying things like “Thank god for dead soldiers” and “fags doom nations”. Ironically they’re the church that follows the words of the bible than any other church.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Vocabulary #2 / Latin Roots #2

Word List
  1. aqua - "water" Another word for water is aqua.
  2. aquaculture - "underwater agriculture" Growing fish to eventually eat is an example of aquaculture.
  3. aqueous- "of, like, or containing water" The human body is aqueous as it contains water inside of it.
  4. armada - "a large group or force of anything" - There was an armada of cars on the freeway.
  5. armature - "armor" The armature of a battleship is incredibly impressive.
  6. armistice - "a truce" The US currently has truces with many countries.
  7. artifact - "an object mad by human beings, especially with a view to subsequent use" The old artifact from the lost civilization was priceless.
  8. artifice - "a clever trick or stratagem" The artifice of the prisoner gave him time to set himself free and escape.
  9. artisan - "a worker in skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand" The artisan crafted wooden carvings which he sold later on.
  10. millennium - "a period of a thousand years" More than a millennium has passed but the Battle of Marathon Bay is still remembered to this day.
  11. perennial - "lasting for an indefinitely long time" When his wife told him she would be ready in 5 minutes, he knew she would take a perennial amount of time. 
  12. superannuated - "antiquated or obsolete" Cassette players are superannuated and rarely seen anymore.

Vocabulary #1 / Latin Roots #1

  1. agenda - "things to be done" I have an agenda of mine which needs to be completed. 
  2. agile - "quick and well-coordinated in movement" He was so agile he dodged the ball with ease.
  3. alienate - "to make indifferent or hostile" The US has alienated any non-citizens past the borders.
  4. altercation - "a heated or angry dispute" The feuding brothers began to have a altercation over who got dibs.
  5. amiable - "having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities" The old man was very amiable whenever he received guests over. 
  6. amorous - "inclined or disposed to love, especially sexual love" The woman was feeling amorous towards her husband.
  7. animated - "full of life, action, or spirit" The small child looked very animated by the way he ran back and forth.
  8. equanimity - "mental and emotional stability or composure" The police officer showed equanimity when  under massive amounts of stress.
  9. inalienable - "not transferable to another or capable of being repudiated" As a citizen of the United States, we have inalienable rights.
  10. inanimate - "not animate; lifeless" - The statue stared straight ahead with an inanimate look. 
  11. magnanimous - "free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness" The boy remained magnanimous towards the boy who made a remark about him in class. 
  12. reactionary - "opposing political or social change" The people in the South are more narrow minded and reactionary.

Reflections on Week 1

  1. Are there any factors that you think are going to affect your participation or experience in this class? Access to a computer?  Mobile/smart phone?  Transportation?  Friends/family? Schedule? The only that will affect my participation in class is my procrastination because sometimes I might not have an assignment that is due and I will be exceptionally quiet and try to avoid being noticed.
  2. Think of an awesome best ever learning experience that changed you. What did you learn? Where were you? What happened? Who else was there? Did it teach you anything about how you learn (or pay attention... or remember, or think?) How did you know what was happening? My best learning experience ever was in biology class last year because I love science and everything I learned in that class was very interesting. I was in room 422 last year when I had biology for 2 terms back when we had the block schedule. It taught me that I pay attention when I'm actually interested in the subject. I knew what was happening because I had a general knowledge of science and knew that DNA stood for Deoxyribonucleic acid, so that helped me stand out.  
  3. What are you most [excited/concerned] about in this class? What do you look forward to in learning?  How do you think it can/will make a practical difference in your life? I'm honestly concerned about failing this class because I'm smart but irresponsible and procrastinate a lot, but those things don't go together if you want to be a good student and get good grades. I don't know if it will make a practical difference in my life but hopefully it impacts me in a positive way. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

BOR Essay Final Draft

Brian Rios


3rd Period

                                                           My Birth Order Traits

In the research conducted about birth orders, they perfectly described me as which child I was right down to the word, and that was the middle child. The research said that middle children had traits of those that I wrote down when asked to describe ourselves and what we felt were our traits. For example, one trait mentioned that matched what I wrote down was misunderstood. I often feel as if I am misunderstood by my parents all the time and get in trouble when I try to help or do something right. So in other words; being misunderstood is a definite trait of a middle child and the research accurately describes me.
One out of the many traits the birth order research speculated that was common in middle children was prone to embarrassment. This particular trait is in fact true and I strongly agree with it. As an example, when I was asked to go up to the front of the class to present a six word story on vine that I had not even created in this English class, needless to say I was nervous and a bit embarrassed. Another time in Health class we had to tell the whole class about ourselves from what our favorite hobbies are, and even to how many siblings we had, but we had to present it to whole class. When I present something I feel very uncomfortable and would rather not stand up at all and just be shy about it. This goes into consideration for any form of public speaking, so whether it’s in front of a classroom or the whole school, this trait of is middle child perfectly describes me.
Another trait that was found in middle children was being secretive and I myself shamefully agree with this one because it is also true about the way I act. For example I don’t like to share everything with my family so I only keep the things that are convenient to me a secret and one time my dad gave me money, but told me to share it with my younger sister by splitting it in half. When my dad told me this I said I would but secretly I didn’t give her any money at all and she didn’t even know about it. There was also another time when I asked my mom for money, and I received five dollars but I also asked my dad for money and he didn’t know I had already asked my mom for money so I was being a little sneaky that time too. I agree with the trait of middle children being secretive because every now and then I’m a little sneaky when it comes to money and other things.
One of the traits that I strongly disagree with is the trait where they found middle children often more willing to “give in”. This is not the way I look at life at all; just waiting for the chance to “give in and stop trying” I try my hardest until I know it’s not possible to something at all. As an example, imagine someone playing a video game that is so hard it makes people “rage” and this means they’re screaming and cursing because it’s so hard. Those types of games I keep trying and keep trying to pass it, and this might sound like a cliché but I never stop trying whether it’s a game that’s very difficult or a real life situation when under stress or pressure. An example that’s more recent is when this school year started I had forgotten completely about Algebra and was taking the course Algebra II, so you can imagine I had a rough time catching up but I never gave up and I kept trying to remember my old skills of Algebra while trying to learn new ones at the same time. I strongly disagree with the trait found in middle children that they are often willing to “give in” because I am definitely not like the trait described.
           So in conclusion, except for a few traits that I found to disagree with the rest of the traits were correct and I found I could connect to them in many ways. My thoughts on this research that I had never heard of traits for a birth order and always thought children always acted the way they do because of the way they were raised by their parents and not their birth order, so before this I had not taken consideration the order they were born at all. My views have changed because I can now tell who’s the first born because it’s very obvious, so all the high achievers are mostly first born children or just really take up after their older sibling. I also related to the traits found in middle children and found that these were right, all but were wrong. I found the birth order traits to be interesting and now clears up many things about my siblings and myself.